Videos for UN Migration

Our Work for the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Animated Videos for UN Migration

Our Work for the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

IOM’s 70th Anniversary Video

IOM’s Strategic Results Framework

UN Network on Migration’s Achievements

Strategy Videos for IOM

Our strategy videos for IOM cut right to the heart of their mission—connecting with their 20,000 staff, the public, and government leaders.

In the IOM 70th Anniversary video, we used character animation and real photos from IOM’s archives—all wrapped in their iconic blue. A celebration of decades of support for safe, orderly migration and their incorporation into the UN system in 2016.

"I Warmly Recommend Leon!”

I warmly recommend Leon! Animations to anyone looking for a highly skilled, trustworthy professional in this field.

They transformed very specific messages into powerful animated videos. Their brainstorming boards helped us conceptualize our messages, and their copyeditors simplified our institutional language. All this with patience and keeping us on track with deadlines.
— Giulia Brioschi (Social Media at IOM Geneva)
A woman with glasses named Glulia Brioschi smiling in front of blue background

Saving Migrants’ Lives

IOM’s Diaspora Framework for Humanitarian Assistance

Global Compact for Migration: 6-Step Guidance

Capacity Building Mechanism

Migrants’ Debts & Sustainable Reintegration

Explainer Videos for IOM

Explainers are the backbone of our work for IOM. We turn their research into animated explainers that make complex topics easy to grasp—distilling complexity into simplicity.

Our unique mix of character animation, dynamic text, and icons has broken down everything from migrant debt to the Global Compact for Migration, diaspora mapping, humanitarian aid, migrant centres, and capacity building.

"Digestible, Engaging Videos"

The team at Leon! Animations effortlessly transformed complex topics on return and reintegration into digestible, engaging videos with intellectual creativity.

Leon! met any obstacle with patience and flexibility. I hope to collaborate with them on future projects.
— Bryan Ocaya (EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub)
A man named Bryan Ocaya smiling in front of green background

International Migration Review Forum, NYC

iDiaspora Promo Campaign #2

iDiaspora Promo Campaign #1

IOM Promotional Videos

Our promo videos for IOM focus on building engagement—bringing attention to important events and rallying support for migration projects.

We helped promote the International Migration Review Forum at the UN Assembly in New York, while our iDiaspora campaign brought in 1,500 new members.

The Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund video supported raising $50 million to improve migrants’ lives globally.

"I Highly Recommend Leon!"

Leon!’s exceptionally high-quality videos helped us reach our target of 1,500 members, and we’re now getting closer to 2,000 users! I highly recommend Leon!
— Veronica Uribe-Kessler (iDiaspora)
A woman named veronica uribe kessler smiling in front of a blue IOM bakcground

Migrant Mental Health & Psychosocial Support

Maybe Europe is Your Dream?

Onyeka & Kennedy: "Together We Are Stronger"

Storytelling Videos for IOM

Our storytelling videos focus on the real lives of migrants, creating an emotional connection and inspiring action.

Our award-nominated video of a West African migrant’s difficult return captures the emotional struggles of coming home empty-handed, highlighting the importance of mental health support. Another story follows Onyeka and Kennedy as they return home to Nigeria to start an aluminium shop with the help of IOM, brought to life with up-and-coming Nigerian voice actors.

Every time we show the video to someone and see their ‘WOW!’ reaction, I realize how good it is and the enormous amount of work that was put into it.
— Felipe Cortes (IOM Geneva)

"WOW!" reaction

felipe cortes

Got a Video Idea?

Share it with us, and our animation studio will roar back with a quote ASAP!