
2D animation case studies

What it’s like to work with Leon! on an explainer video…

Happy Leon! clients include…

UN Migration

The International Organization for Migration (also known as UN Migration) has been Leon's most consistent client to date. Together we've produced over 20 animations, starting with an explainer covering the plight of refugees in West and Central Africa.

That project was immediately leveraged into an explainer for their 70th anniversary and explainers for their new project, The UN Network on Migration.

Much of our work with IOM is about supporting "returnees". Those who left with high hopes, but often have to return to their home country, saddled with debt and shame.



The NHS and Leon! have collaborated to create animations for hospitals across England.

For example, we created a quirky explainer video for Guy's and St. Thomas that helped new arrivals at Accident and Emergency orient themselves and get help as quickly as possible while maintaining order.

Usually, creative and hospital don't go into the same sentence. However, we thought outside the box and created a compelling animation that has helped minimize emergency room chaos and is still played on a loop in the waiting room today.


World Humanitarian Summit

Our film for the UN’s urban settlements agency was made at short notice and involved overcoming our fair share of hurdles.

We were asked to explain the Global Alliance for Urban Crises - a group specialising in humanitarian responses to crises in urban centres.

The animation premiered at the World Humanitarian Summit, introduced by Sean Penn, and told the story of how and why the UN’s humanitarian responses are changing in the face of an increasingly urban world.


Lord Saatchi

Advertising icon and think tank director Maurice Saatchi asked us to animate an explanation of his revolutionary tax plan.

#ThePolicy premiered at a conference of politicians, celebrity economists, and entrepreneurs, many of whom shared long, dry, exhaustive speeches.

Saatchi took to the stage and lit up the hall with our brutally simple, hugely joyful animation, explaining the real-world impact of his plan with perfect clarity and standout impact.



In 2018, Zimbabwe embarked upon a historic election to replace long-term dictator Robert Mugabe.

The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) asked us to explain voter registration to the Zimbabwean public.

Our simple Message4Zim animated GIF was shared by IFES via WhatsApp, with its small file size and simple message making it a quick and easy way to spread essential information that got democracy up and running again in Zim.

Thank you, Leo. You’ve created a masterpiece in logic & beauty!
— Maurice (Lord) Saatchi